AliExpress Safety Check - What You Need to Know Before You Buy

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Andy Yu

Have you seen an unbelievably cheap gadget on AliExpress? Did you feel like this is too good and inexpensive to be true? You’re not alone. 

Online shopping has become the importer’s favorite. More of them are turning to global marketplaces like AliExpress for deals. But they often forget that great bargains bring great questions about safety. 

Is your credit card info secure on AliExpress? Will that branded watch be authentic? Are suppliers working on AliExpress reliable?

Well, we’ll discuss all such questions related to AliExpress shopping. It won’t be just about the risks, rewards, or anything. We want to separate facts from fiction to give you an overview of AliExpress.

AliExpress Vs. Alibaba


When shopping online, you might encounter these giants – AliExpress and Alibaba. Of course, they seem similar since both are substantial online marketplaces based in China. However, there’s a big difference between these two platforms.

You can consider AliExpress to be an everyday grocery store. It’s where you and I can buy single items or small quantities of products directly.

If you want to import a phone case or trendy clothing, AliExpress is your place. You will get reasonable prices on AliExpress without worrying about buying in bulk.

Likewise, Alibaba is good for wholesalers. It works great for businesses that want to buy large quantities of products. If you are a store owner who wants to stock hundreds of items at once, Alibaba is your place.

This difference in target customers tells us many things:

  • Product variety: AliExpress has a broader range of individual products. However, Alibaba focuses more on bulk quantities of specific items.
  • Pricing: You will find low prices on Alibaba, but that’s because you buy in bulk. AliExpress prices are high, but you are not bound to purchase hundreds at once.
  • MOQ: On AliExpress, you can usually buy one or more items. Alibaba has minimum order quantity requirements, usually in the hundreds or thousands.

One thing we must mention is that AliExpress makes individual shoppers feel safe. They have buyer protection policies that work in the buyer’s favor. It includes refund guarantees and dispute resolution services.

How Safe Is AliExpress for Online Shopping?


Ask me – Is AliExpress safe? Well, my short answer will mostly be yes. It is more like shopping at a massive international market. You get great deals but need to know what you’re doing.

Let me be clear – AliExpress is not Amazon or eBay. These big names have been around for many years with strict controls. But I don’t mean AliExpress is not suitable for online shopping. They have stepped up their business quite a bit in recent years.

One thing I love about AliExpress is that this platform uses SSL encryption. It means your payment info is safe so tightly that even clever hackers would have a tough time cracking it. It is the same tech that almost all banks use.

The platform is also serious about vetting its sellers. It’s not a join anyone kind. Businesses need to go through verification to set up their AliExpress profile. It removes many bad sellers before they can cause trouble.

We all know some fraudsters are out there, and yeah, they slip through the cracks on AliExpress. But this platform is working well on banning counterfeit goods. 

They have a team to identify fake products and disqualify the suppliers who sell them. I must say it is not perfect or enough, but it is a big step in the right direction.

Compared to other platforms, AliExpress might feel new in implementing safety measures. Different platforms have had years to establish their systems. But AliExpress is coming up fast; in some ways, they’re ahead of many others.

Staying safe on AliExpress depends on you, the buyer. AliExpress has essential safety measures, but you must lock your doors. Things will be easy if you know how to buy from China.

Common Concerns When Buying from AliExpress

Many people shop on AliExpress every day without issues. Some of them face common problems on this platform. Here they are;

1) Product Quality Issues

We hear the stories about ordering what looks like a designer bag and getting something else. It happens! AliExpress has so much great stuff, but some cheap products mix up with genuine ones. 

Sadly, photos can be deceiving, too. You might get pleather that squeaks if you order a genuine leather jacket. It is difficult to tell what you might get on AliExpress until it arrives at your door.

2) Shipping Delays

If you don’t have patience, AliExpress might test you. Be ready to face delays if you don’t select the correct shipping service. I am talking weeks, sometimes even a month or two.

You might also see your package held in customs for days without updates. You don’t have to wait if you are ready to pay extra for expedited shipping. 

3) Language Issues

communication issues

Image Source: Pexels

Many sellers on AliExpress don’t speak English as their first language. Thus, you might face some severe loss in translation moments. It will become hard to explain why the blue sweater you ordered isn’t the orange pants that arrived.

4) Counterfeit Products

Scams exist on AliExpress, too. Fake listings are the most common here. There is also a common overpayment scam. A supplier might refund you too much and ask you to return the difference. Well, it is not an accident.

Well, I won’t say that AliExpress is all bad. Many transactions happen here without a hitch every day.

Steps to Ensure Safe Transactions on AliExpress

Shopping on AliExpress is not hard. Everyone knows how to buy any product on AliExpress.

Things are easy if you stay alert and trust your instincts. With the below steps, you can ensure a safe transaction between you and the seller.

1) Work with a Sourcing Agent

Tell me, have you ever considered hiring a China sourcing service? Such services are more like having a personal assistant in China. They know everything about the market, which includes finding sellers and quality products. 

Of course, it might cost a bit extra, but it gives confidence in the long run. An agent will handle communication, quality checks, and shipping. We recommend this option if you buy in bulk or need something specific.

2) Research Products and Sellers

If you want to do it solo, research should be your first task. Avoid clicking buy on the first attractive thing you see. You must check those product details as if you are solving a mystery. 

Check out photos, read descriptions, and most importantly, see those reviews. You must look for reviews with pictures from genuine buyers. You should also check the seller’s profile and work history.

3) Use Secure Payment Methods

You must stick to the methods AliExpress offers directly on its platform. There are many, but the best choice is credit cards, PayPal, or AliPay. Avoid sellers who try to get you to pay outside the platform – that’s a red flag bigger than a parade banner.

4) Talk with Multiple Sellers

Before you buy on AliExpress, chat with the seller. It is going to work as a test drive for your order. You must know how to verify a China vendor.

You can ask about materials, sizes, or whatever is on your mind. A reliable seller will happily answer your quires. If they take days to respond, that might be a hint for you to look elsewhere.

5) Save Everything

Keep records as if you are preparing for an audit. You can save product descriptions, order details, and chats with the seller. 

Final Thoughts!

So, is AliExpress safe? Yes, I will call it secure if you are ready to follow the above suggestions. This platform offers excellent deals and products, but it has risks. The key is to shop smart by doing your research and reading reviews.

Some sellers on AliExpress may attempt fraudulent practices. Thus, handling such risks on your own can lead to potential troubles. OwlSourcing can help you source products safely from AliExpress. 

We thoroughly vet sellers to give you a reliable shopping experience. Besides, we offer many extra services to help you source products from China. Contact us to learn more about them!

In 2016, Andy spearheaded OwlSourcing's mission to simplify global imports. Our goal was to establish an information-sharing platform for global imports and product sourcing. We handle all the logistics, enabling you to concentrate on marketing and sales. Consider us your external procurement department in Asia, with fees billed upon order confirmation. For a comprehensive service breakdown, please visit our service page

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