Quality Control in China How to Do Quality Control

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Andy Yu

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Do you know how important quality control is in China? If you do not establish quality control-related documentation with Chinese manufacturers before production, you may have bad products. When preparing to source products from China, verifying the Chinese supplier’s legitimacy is important, but quality control ensures that the products you buy from China are of good quality.

Many are concerned about quality control in China. Can Chinese factories produce according to European or US standards and specifications? What are Chinese quality control standards? Additionally, many have shared their experiences of being deceived by product quality in China.

In this article, we help you understand quality control in China and provide methods to avoid being deceived by Chinese suppliers. We would also like to inform you about some facts about quality control in China.

Why is Quality Control Important in China?

Chinese low labor costs and economies of scale attract an increasing number of companies to import products from China. However, do not overlook quality control in China. Attracting customers requires more than just low prices; consumers also consider the quality of products when buying. If your products lack good quality, you will receive numerous negative reviews, which can significantly impact your brand reputation.

Chinese-made goods mostly suck because many Chinese business people have lousy business values. When a Chinese manufacturer takes a contract, they often feel little or no actual obligation to manufacture according to spec, if cutting corners will make more money for them or their guanxi network of family and friends.

From: CBS News

We can see that many consumers have a strong aversion to defective products. On a certain level, effective quality control can reduce the risk of product failures.

Note: Prevention before the occurrence of a problem is much more important than rectification after a mistake has occurred.

Let me calculate the costs for you in two scenarios. The first scenario is without quality control, ultimately leading to major quality issues and product recalls. The second scenario involves effective quality control, resulting in customers being very satisfied with the product quality.

1. Without quality control leading to product recall,

  • Recalling products necessitates paying for the shipping costs associated with returning or replacing the products.
  • Due to the negative social impact created, you might also need to pay compensation to consumers or partners.
  • The greatest impact is the damage to your company’s brand. This can lead to consumers being reluctant to trust you again. Your brand might be labeled as synonymous with poor-quality products, a truly distressing situation.
  • Some products might even violate legal regulations, incurring fines.
  • In terms of your costs, you’re not only paying double for shipping but also losing in terms of time, which all amount to significant losses for you.

2. Done quality control and customer satisfaction,

  • Although investing in human resources, equipment, and some funds for quality inspection, these costs are not excessively high. If you choose Owlsourcing to assist you in sourcing products from China, quality control is one of the basic services we offer. Of course, it’s free.
  • You can continuously improve your product based on the feedback from quality control.
  • With excellent product quality, more and more consumers will be willing to buy your brand. This not only brings you long-term revenue but also enhances your brand’s recognition.
  • Preventing potential product issues reduces the likelihood of future repairs and warranties for that product.
  • The products you purchase from China boast the advantages of low cost and high quality, all of which enhance the market competitiveness of your products.

In short, while the first scenario saves a small amount of money in quality control, it incurs substantial costs during the sales stage to rectify these errors. However, some mistakes cannot be compensated with money.

In the second scenario, ensuring product quality through quality control in China leads to better market reputation and greater customer satisfaction, thereby attracting more customers. What a great result!

How to do Effective Quality Control in China?

Are you worried about receiving poor-quality products from Chinese suppliers? Have you implemented quality control but still received products of subpar quality? Maybe you haven’t found the right approach. In this section, we provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to conduct quality control in China effectively.

Step 1: Understand Your Product Specifications

Clearly define your product requirements and specifications. This includes materials, dimensions, function, appearance, and packaging. Communicate accurate product data to your suppliers.

Step 2: Select a Reputable Manufacturer

Conduct thorough research to choose a reliable manufacturer. Look for manufacturers with a good track record, positive reviews, and experience in your product category. For further information, read this article: Find a Manufacturer in China.

Step 3: Request samples

Before mass production, ask for pre-production samples to verify that the product meets your specifications. If you are unable to confirm whether to collaborate with a particular supplier, you may also consider buying product samples from China.

Step 4: Lab Testing

Lab testing may be necessary for certain products, particularly those with safety or regulatory requirements such as electronics, cosmetics, and toys, to ensure compliance with international standards.

Step 5: Visit Factory

Visiting the factory allows you to directly observe the manufacturing processes, work environment, and the company’s capabilities.

Step 6: Pre-shipment Inspection

This inspection is conducted when 100% of the shipment quantity is complete and at least 80% is packed. It ensures that the final products meet your specifications and quality standards. Use a statistically valid method for selecting a random sample of products from the batch to inspect. If any issues are found, they should be addressed before the shipment leaves the factory.

Step 7: Continuous Improvement

After each production run, review the process and identify areas for improvement. Work with your supplier to implement these changes.

Step 8: Reach Out to Owlsourcing

Consider involving independent third-party inspection companies with expertise in conducting thorough and impartial inspections on your behalf. Owlsourcing is a global sourcing agent. We assist clients in sourcing products from China and manage product quality control to ensure that these products meet our clients’ quality requirements.

Step 9: Build a Long-term Relationship

Establishing a long-term relationship with a supplier can lead to better quality products as they become more familiar with your expectations and standards.

What Are the Quality Standards and Certifications in China?

Chinese quality standards and certifications may differ from those in other countries. Below is an overview of quality standards and certifications in China:

a) GB Standards: GB Standards cover a wide range of products, services, and processes in various industries, including electronics, automotive, machinery, environmental protection, construction, and more. They are issued by the Standardization Administration of China and form the basis for regulation and quality assessment in China. Compliance with these standards is often mandatory for products sold within China.

b) CCC Certification: The certification ensures that products meet specific safety, quality, and environmental standards set by Chinese authorities. It’s designed to protect consumer safety and national security. The process involves product testing, factory inspection, and compliance with Chinese standards.

c) HACCP: HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, and is a systematic preventive approach to food safety widely recognized and used globally, including in China.

HACCP is specifically designed for the food industry. It identifies, evaluates, and controls hazards that are significant for food safety. HACCP emphasizes preventing hazards at any point in the food production process, from raw material handling to manufacturing, distribution, and consumption.

d) CQC Mark Certification: The CQC Mark Certification in China refers to the certification issued by the China Quality Certification Center. It’s an important part of China’s quality standard system, especially for consumer products. The CQC Mark Certification is generally voluntary.

e) Environment Labeling Certification: Environment Labeling Certification in China, also known as the China Environmental Label, is a key eco-labeling scheme that identifies products and services as environmentally friendly.

Products must meet strict criteria to earn the certification. These criteria typically include factors like energy efficiency, reduced pollution, lower toxic emissions, and sustainable use of resources.

f) CNAS Accreditation: CNAS Accreditation refers to the accreditation provided by the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment.

CNAS accredits a wide range of organizations, such as testing and calibration laboratories, medical laboratories, inspection bodies, and certification bodies for various management systems (like ISO 9001 and ISO 14001) and products. It assures businesses and consumers that the products and services certified by CNAS-accredited bodies meet the required standards.

Not all Chinese suppliers use ISO. However, the Standardization Administration of China is a member of the ISO and actively participates in international standardization activities. In China, ISO standards are often adopted as national standards (referred to as GB standards), sometimes with modifications to adapt them to specific domestic requirements.

Some Facts About Quality Control in China

Quality is Directly Proportional to Production Cost

Higher Costs, Higher Quality: Generally, in China, as with many manufacturing hubs, the higher the production cost, the higher the quality of the product. This is because better quality materials, skilled labor, advanced machinery, and stricter quality control measures often come at a higher cost.

Cost-Benefit Analysis: It’s crucial to balance the cost of production with the desired quality level. Overly cheap production can lead to poor quality, which might not meet market standards or customer expectations.

Quality control in China requires documentation to set standards

Essential Documentation: Clear and detailed documentation is a cornerstone of effective quality control in China. This includes product specifications, quality standards, inspection criteria, and process guidelines.

Communication Tool: These documents serve as a communication tool between foreign buyers and Chinese manufacturers, ensuring that both parties have a clear understanding of the expected quality and standards.

Legal Protection: In case of disputes or non-compliance, well-defined documentation provides legal protection and a basis for resolution.

Cultural differences in quality control in China

Different Perceptions: There may be different perceptions of what constitutes ‘quality’ between Western buyers and Chinese manufacturers. What a foreign company considers a defect might be acceptable in the Chinese market.

Communication Style: The Chinese business culture often places a high value on harmony and indirect communication. Direct criticism or confrontation over quality issues might be counterproductive.

Relationships Matter: Building a good relationship with suppliers is crucial. It’s often through these relationships that better understanding and improvements in quality are achieved.

Adaptation and Training: Foreign businesses may need to adapt their quality control processes and provide extra training to align with the local manufacturing environment and practices.

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Summing up this article

Quality control in China is indispensable for importing products from China. It is advisable to collaborate with a China sourcing agent who has extensive experience and is familiar with local Chinese laws. We can help you avoid many problems during the procurement process.

In 2016, Andy spearheaded OwlSourcing's mission to simplify global imports. Our goal was to establish an information-sharing platform for global imports and product sourcing. We handle all the logistics, enabling you to concentrate on marketing and sales. Consider us your external procurement department in Asia, with fees billed upon order confirmation. For a comprehensive service breakdown, please visit our service page

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2 thoughts on “Quality Control in China: How to Do Quality Control?”

    1. Hello Mark,
      The challenges you mentioned are indeed very important aspects in the field of quality control. Cultural differences, logistics issues and different quality standards are all issues that need to be carefully considered and resolved in our pursuit of high-quality services and products. If you need help, you can send us an email and we will be happy to help you.
      Also thank you for your insights, this is a great inspiration and learning opportunity for all of us.

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