How to Make a Prototype in China

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Andy Yu

In product development, a prototype connects ideas with reality. Prototyping lets inventors test before mass production. It’s a means of tweaking and validating product ideas.

Businesses worldwide maximize China’s status as a global prototype development hub. The extensive manufacturing capabilities and affordable solutions of this country are incredible.

I will explain the prototype development process in China. The post will highlight prototypes from development to manufacturing. By the end, you’ll understand how to make a prototype in China.

Please remember that I have already written a highly informative article about the process of purchasing product samples from China. I recommend that you refer to it later for valuable insights.

Understanding the Basics of Prototyping in China

Prototyping in China

A prototype helps you test your concept and identify potential issues. Prototyping in China ranges from simple mockups to functional products. However, this depends on project and development needs.

Manufacturing mistakes may be costly; thus, prototyping is crucial. Businesses worldwide find manufacturing a prototype in China ideal. This is because of the country’s manufacturing position and perks.

The most important is cost-effectiveness. Prototyping in China may save 30% to 60% of costs over Western countries. So, businesses may affordably develop several versions of their prototypes.

China’s modern manufacturing technology is another benefit for prototyping. The country has state-of-the-art facilities and equipment in its industrial sector.

Chinese industrial robot installations reached 51% in 2021. The International Federation of Robotics sourced this data. Technical expertise allows many sectors to build high-quality prototypes.

Quick production is possible because of China’s extensive supply chain. The prototype development process in China takes weeks or even days. But, in other countries, prototype making can take months. China’s industrial ecosystem makes prototyping to mass manufacturing seamless.

Preparing for Prototype Development

Before shipping prototypes from China, thorough preparation is key. Here are tips to help you prepare for product design in China:

1) Defining your prototype requirements

Start by clearly outlining what you need your prototype to achieve. Are you looking for a functional prototype or a proof of concept? Each type is used for a different thing and requires different information. List your prototype’s most essential functions, features, and efficiency standards.

2) Creating detailed design specifications

Turn your requirements into precise design specifications. It includes material requirements, 3D models, and finish details. Precision is very important in China’s manufacturing business.

An American Society for Quality’s study found that bad design standards cause 85% of failures. When you need to, include tolerances along with standard measures. Show visual references or existing products for comparison.

3) Budgeting for prototype development

Budgeting for prototype development

In China, a prototype’s cost can change depending on various factors. The product’s complexity, required materials, and how many are needed are factors. While budgeting, add in extra costs like shipping or potential design revisions.

Also, consider how fast development technologies like 3D printing can save costs. According to a report by Deloitte, it can cut prototype costs by up to 70%.

4) Intellectual property protection

China has made its IP rules stricter; patent applications will rise 6.8% in 2022. Yet, you still need to be careful when using China prototyping services. Before producing prototypes, register your trademarks and rights in China.

Ideally, sign Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). During China’s product development, some businesses use many manufacturers to develop distinct parts. By taking this approach, they can better safeguard their product design.

Finding the Right China Prototype Manufacturers

Finding the right prototype manufacturers is a vital aspect of prototype sourcing in China. For good prototype development, finding suitable China suppliers is essential.

1) Types of Prototyping Manufacturers

China has many companies that make prototypes. Rapid prototyping services mostly use 3D printing or CNC cutting for efficiency. Recent industry research shows China’s fast prototyping market expanding by 20% annually.

Original Equipment Manufacturers produce based on your specifications. Original Design Manufacturers can design and manufacture. About 30% of China’s manufacturing output comes from ODMs.

2) Manufacturer Selection Criteria

Expertise and experience are significant when choosing China prototyping services. Look for companies that have a history of making your desired product. Also, the steps used for quality control in China are just as necessary.

Chinese companies producing high-quality goods use strict quality control systems like ISO 9001. Also, consider their production capabilities.

3) Visiting Factories and Negotiating Contracts

Factory trips are the best way to get a real sense of how good a company is. 60% of businesses now use virtual trips, which became popular during the pandemic. However, visits in person are still preferable when they are possible.

You can look at the buildings, meet the staff, and understand how the company works. Be ready for some back-and-forth when you’re discussing terms and prices.

The Prototype Development Process

Prototype Development Process

After making all the necessary plans, you can start bringing your sample to life. Here are the actual steps on how to make a prototype in China:

1) Stages of prototype development

These are the concept model, working prototype, and pre-production prototype. With each step, the result gets better. A study from MIT found that this iterative method can reduce development time by up to 30%. First, test the form and fit with a simple model.

Next, move on to a functional prototype to assess performance. Making an actual sample of the final product is the final step before mass manufacturing. 

2) Material selection and sourcing

Diverse materials are available in China’s diverse supply line. Work with your manufacturer to choose materials that balance price, quality, and performance. Consider its durability, weight, and construction.

For instance, electronics prototype components consist of China’s rare earth minerals. They make up 80% of the global market. 

3) Quality control measures during development

Setting standards for quality control for prototypes in China is critical. Robust quality control should be used from the start. Define clear quality standards and testing procedures.

Successful businesses use third-party quality inspection in China from outside sources. If you’re far away, regular video calls and picture reports can help you track progress.

4) Managing timelines and milestones

Set clear goals and reasonable due dates for the development of your prototype. On average, easy samples can be made in China in two to four weeks. More complicated prototypes might take two to three months. Split the process into steps, with each clear goal and result.

Testing and Refining Your Prototype

Refining Your Prototype

Below are the processes for testing and refining prototypes:

1) Establishing testing criteria and procedures

Ensure that the testing standards match the way your product is meant to be used. Also, ensure it meets the industry standard. Make a list of features and functions to test.

You might check the battery life, dependability, and user interface for electronics. A lot of businesses in China follow the GB (Guobiao) rules, which are often stricter than foreign rules. 

2) Conducting performance and safety tests

Comprehensive tests of performance and safety should be done. Depending on the product, it could include drop, stress, or weather tests. You can use high-tech testing sites in China for reasonable prices. Some centers have state-of-the-art tools that can mimic conditions in the real world.

3) Gathering feedback and implementing improvements

Find out what potential users, experts in the field, or business partners think. China prototype suppliers often have good ideas because they know a lot. You must test the prototype product with real users. Even a small group can help you find essential faults.

Finally, make your version better based on what people said and what the tests showed. It might involve many variations. Every release should get you closer to having a ready product for the market.

Scaling from Prototype to Production

This is the final process of how to make a prototype in China. It needs to be carefully planned and thought out. Here’s how to move from prototype to production: 

1) Evaluating the prototype for mass production feasibility

Check to see if your sample can be made in large quantities cheaply. Think about the time it takes to make something, the available materials, and how hard it is.

When it comes to making things in China, they are very good at making plans that work best for mass production. They can make changes that cut the time to make something by 20 to 30% without lowering the quality.

2) Identifying necessary design modifications for scalability

Talk to your producer about any changes to the plan needed for mass production. It could mean making some features easier to use or making parts more similar.

For example, cutting the number of unique parts by just 10% can save money when making many of them. Chinese companies that make prototypes have the skills to make changes right away. 

3) Planning for tooling and mold creation

Be careful with this step if your product needs special molds or tools. When you make many of them, the tools you buy can add up to much money. Most of the time, making tools in China costs 40 to 60% less than in the West. Good molds can make more than a million parts before they wear out. 

4) Estimating production costs and timelines

Figure out how much different amounts of production will cost. Think about things like work, supplies, shipping, and packaging. Most of the time, you can save more when you use China prototyping services.

China starts mass production 4 to 8 weeks after the plan is approved. Plan a test run of production to find any problems before you agree to a full-scale order.

Read More:

Final Thought!

So, I covered everything about making a prototype in China. There are many good things about prototyping. These include lower prices and faster development.

Setting up strong quality control for prototypes in China is part of it. Keep your IP safe, and follow the rules for business in the area. If you plan to find the right prototype supplier, China is a great place to bring your product ideas to life.

If you need support with prototyping, consider contacting OwlSourcing. Our team can help streamline your prototype development process.

In 2016, Andy spearheaded OwlSourcing's mission to simplify global imports. Our goal was to establish an information-sharing platform for global imports and product sourcing. We handle all the logistics, enabling you to concentrate on marketing and sales. Consider us your external procurement department in Asia, with fees billed upon order confirmation. For a comprehensive service breakdown, please visit our service page

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