Sourcing Process

Quick look on sourcing process in OwlSourcing

Understand Your Needs

Start with exactly what you need. Then locate the source. Do spend time in duration to well understand the necessities so that there be no miscommunication later.

Analyze Products

The first step is to study your needs and confirm the suitability of the products that already exist in the market. Roam among the likes of quality, price, and compatibility that align with your requirements.

Find the Right Suppliers

Suppliers should be selected carefully to ensure the business is in safe hands. Research different suppliers, check up on their products, and pick those which have the best offer meeting your supply requirements and criteria.

Confirm Quotation

It is important to cross-check the provided quotes with the preferred suppliers before closing any deals. This step does not allow anything unpredicted as well as unexpected costs all through the process.


Always make sure to check complete copies of samples and tools before doing a full-scale production. At this point, we are going to make sure that your work complies with the terms of reference and your requirements.


Once confident in the samples, then you can begin with the production process. Don't lose sight of the progress and make sure that all the tasks are done according to schedule.

Quality Control
That is, it is essential to have in place systems that guarantee you produce products your customers will find satisfactory. Enforce rigorous quality procedures at all the manufacturing operations to sustain good standards.
Global Shipping

Carry out the shipping process delicately, in order to ensure the prompt delivery of your products. Keep in touch with shipping partners to track progress and solve issues immediately. Listen to the given audio and summarize its content.

After-Sale Feedback and Follow-up
Having after-sales support is something that is crucial for overall customer satisfaction. Get feedback from customers and track whether the concerns and issues they may have raised have been addressed. This fosters long-lasting relations and saves customers the trouble of going through the hassle of starting all over again.

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